Table Numbers........Check!

I first have to start off by saying that I have the best mom EVER!

A couple months ago I ordered our table numbers (you can read about it here).
Table Numbers via Papercut Diecut

Once the table numbers were ordered I set out to find acrylic floating frames that would stand on their own, not with a stand. Also, the diecut numbers are so delicate that I needed a magnetic acrylic frame preferably. Simple task I thought......WRONG!!!! Remember when all you could find is floating frames?!? Apparently that craze faded because now that I really need a floating frame I struggled. I not only needed a floating frame but I needed 25 (maybe even 30) of them.

I finally found the PERFECT frame! Low and behold the frame was at Michael's. The frame was a little pricier than I wanted but I figured I would just buy one every time I went to Michaels and use 40% off coupons. Oh, and in case you aren't familiar with Michael's GREAT (dripping with sarcasm) coupon policy, we could only use one coupon per visit. So, we printed off Joann Fabric and Hobby Lobby coupons to use as well (Michael's honors competitors coupons) but some of the cashiers tried to argue that you could only use one coupon per visit of the same discount and of course all the other stores also have 40% off coupons. This is the dumbest rule EVER!!! Don't these people realize that I have a wedding to plan and don't have time to visit their store everyday!? Oh, and to make it even better......Michael's only carries four frames at a time and they don't order anymore until they run out. So, my mom and I only had a total of 10 frames and were struggling to find any in stock. Cue major frustration!!!!!
The thorn in my side......the frame!!!!

In comes super mom (cue heroic sounding music)!!!! My mom (who I work with at my dad's companies) had me print off a list of all the Michael's stores in the Indianapolis and surrounding county areas. She left work today and has been hitting up all the Michael's stores on all sides of town.

VICTORY IS OURS! We now have 30 acrylic photo block frames in our possession!!!! She gave the cashiers sob stories about trying to get these frames for my wedding, some gave in and let her use 3 coupons towards 3 frames.....score! My mom should have been an actress.......want further proof?!? Read here. I cannot wait to put all of the table numbers into the frames!!! Pictures to come!


Coming next: Hair Style Part II and My Something Blue


jessica lynn said…
1. seriously...who would have thought those frames would have been hard to come by!?! they used to be everywhere!!!
2. major high five for your mom! love her!
Adrienne said…
Your mom rocks! What a great score! And yeah, that coupon rule is dumb.
Christine said…
Your mom's cool! :-)
Glad you got all your frames together now.
Cat said…
Moms are so great! I never would have thought that a place like Michael's would be so stubborn, but I'm glad you found them!
Mrs. Ruby said…
What an amazing MOM! You should do something extra special for Mother's Day. ;)
Amanda B. Young said…
Your mom is awesome! And I'm with ya on the coupon policy... kinda sucks. But I never knew they took competitor's coupons -- will definitely be keeping that in the back of my mind!
holly-lynn said…
my mom has the same talent in getting stores to let her use a billion coupons, i hope to learn the gift some day! lol
JennyLee said…
Your Mom is awesome!
Abbie said…
What a trooper for driving all over the place! Major props to Mom!
starfish said…
I love your table numbers! They are so delciate and unique!
Megan said…
I like the numbers! The frames will be great.
Hannah said…
Those table numbers are so cute!

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