Real Wedding- Ryan and Meagan

Our family friend's daughter, Meagan, was married in March. Her wedding was beautiful! I had the pleasure of not only attending the wedding but also running into my photographer, Angela, at the wedding. I had completely forgotten that Angela had been commissioned to photograph their wedding. We were even able to chat a little bit at the reception!

Here are some of the pictures from Meagan and Ryan's wedding-

The wedding/reception was beautiful. The tree in the center of the reception was very unique and breathtaking when all the lights were out. The only issue I saw with the candle lit affect was that once the candles began to burn down it was VERY hard to see people.....even across the table from me. So, if you are going with a large volume of candles I highly recommend turning the lights off for the entrance but then dimming the lights on so that people can see each other and what they are eating!

All in all the wedding was very stunning! Happy hump day!

Sorry, I know I said I would post about my ring but due to technical difficulties with my camera that has been postponed!


Adrienne said…
Love the pics! Your photographer is amazing and you will have stunning photos to show for it! How fun to get to see your photographer in action before your big day!!
jessica lynn said…
so THIS is the tree you told me about!! haha! did you also notice that your photog is on style me pretty today?!?
Ooooh! That tree is amazing! Beautiful wedding!
Brittney said…
thanks for the nice comments on my blog... it was a stressful day!
Cyd said…
These are gorgeous shots and it looks like a beautiful wedding! How lucky to get to bump into your photographer at a wedding...and how exciting, too!

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