Successful Retail Therapy!
I left work and decided that I really needed some retail therapy on Thursday, so off to the mall I went. My first stop consisted of picking up a gift for my bridesmaids, which was a success (sorry, I can't share since some of my bridesmaids read my little blog). I was feeling lucky so I ran over to White House Black Market (my favorite store to do damage in) because it has been eons since I last shopped for clothing. I walked into the store and started browsing through the racks when I stumbled across a hot little number! The first thing that popped into my mind was "Rehearsal dinner dress!". So, I grabbed a size 6 and rushed to the fitting room. I was a little worried because lately a size 6 has been a little snug.
I zipped up the dress and to my dismay the dress was HUGE on me! Which turned me into a giddy little school girl in the small 3 x 3 dressing room. I asked the lady if she could grab me a size 4 in the dress. I wasn't about to get my hopes up because I figured that the size 4 would be too small and that I would be in between sizes (don't you hate that). The lady comes back......
Lady at WHBM: I'm sorry, we don't have a size 4 but here is a size 2 (she hands me the dress)
Me: (laughing out loud, literally) I don't even think I can get my leg into a size 2
Lady at WHBM: Well, at least give it a try.
Me: (getting annoyed because I really wasn't in the mood to be reminded about the weight I needed to lose) Okay, I will try it.
I pulled the dress on and fit! I seriously did my version of a touchdown dance in the dressing room! After over hearing our conversation another sales lady came and brought me a size 4 that she had found on the manikin. I ended up buying the size 4 only because the "girls" were a little snug in the size 2 and I couldn't wear a bra with the size 2. But I was elated! That put me in such a good mood that I bought shoes, a clutch and a necklace to go with the outfit. YES! I HAVE MY REHEARSAL DINNER OUTFIT!!!! YAY!

I saw these shoes and the clutch and just HAD TO HAVE!!! I am in love! And, they have the same style knot on the top that my wedding shoes have! I am in love!
I am in LOVE with this dress! It fits great! Hopefully it will still fit in August!
I am usually not one to talk about my weight but I am just so excited. I have been in a huge rut lately and have felt like I was ballooning up. When I got home Thursday night I decided not to get overly excited about fitting in the size 2 just in case it was a fluke. When I woke up on Friday I jumped on the scale (I have been weighing in on Fridays to see where I am at) and I about fell off the scale. I have lost 4.4 lbs since last Friday! YAHOO!!!
I have been working on portion control and eating 3-5 times a day. I can't say that I have been exercising because I would be lying (but hopefully that will improve too). My goal is to work out at least 3-4 times a week even if it is for only 15 minutes. I have also tried to cut pop completely out. So, far it seems to be working and I feel a lot better! I used to be terrible.....I would only eat dinner so I have been working very hard and so far it is paying off! Okay, had to get that out of my system! :-)
Have a great weekend! I have more DIY projects coming up this week! And a cake tasting tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me!
I zipped up the dress and to my dismay the dress was HUGE on me! Which turned me into a giddy little school girl in the small 3 x 3 dressing room. I asked the lady if she could grab me a size 4 in the dress. I wasn't about to get my hopes up because I figured that the size 4 would be too small and that I would be in between sizes (don't you hate that). The lady comes back......
Lady at WHBM: I'm sorry, we don't have a size 4 but here is a size 2 (she hands me the dress)
Me: (laughing out loud, literally) I don't even think I can get my leg into a size 2
Lady at WHBM: Well, at least give it a try.
Me: (getting annoyed because I really wasn't in the mood to be reminded about the weight I needed to lose) Okay, I will try it.
I pulled the dress on and fit! I seriously did my version of a touchdown dance in the dressing room! After over hearing our conversation another sales lady came and brought me a size 4 that she had found on the manikin. I ended up buying the size 4 only because the "girls" were a little snug in the size 2 and I couldn't wear a bra with the size 2. But I was elated! That put me in such a good mood that I bought shoes, a clutch and a necklace to go with the outfit. YES! I HAVE MY REHEARSAL DINNER OUTFIT!!!! YAY!

I am usually not one to talk about my weight but I am just so excited. I have been in a huge rut lately and have felt like I was ballooning up. When I got home Thursday night I decided not to get overly excited about fitting in the size 2 just in case it was a fluke. When I woke up on Friday I jumped on the scale (I have been weighing in on Fridays to see where I am at) and I about fell off the scale. I have lost 4.4 lbs since last Friday! YAHOO!!!
I have been working on portion control and eating 3-5 times a day. I can't say that I have been exercising because I would be lying (but hopefully that will improve too). My goal is to work out at least 3-4 times a week even if it is for only 15 minutes. I have also tried to cut pop completely out. So, far it seems to be working and I feel a lot better! I used to be terrible.....I would only eat dinner so I have been working very hard and so far it is paying off! Okay, had to get that out of my system! :-)
Have a great weekend! I have more DIY projects coming up this week! And a cake tasting tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for me!
will we see you this weekend?!! game is saturday night at 7
And congrats on losing weight! It sounds like you have yourself on a good plan.
Congrats on finding the whole outfit, it all looks lovely!
You are such a lucky girl, I love it! I'd kill for those shoes. Crap, I'd kill for the whole shebang! Congrats :D
Congrats on the weight loss! Dropping the pop habit is a sure way to help you reach your goal! Way to be on top of it!
And like everyone else said you're going to look beautiful. i believe you and I share the same wedding date and well - i'm dying to try and get into somekind of work out schedule but i'm sucha bum stuck in a rut. :/