New Years Resolutions {Better Late Than Never}

I will just dive right in with my list!
  • Run a 10k - Last year I ran two 5k's (Dick Lugar 5k - 4th in my age group, Turkey Trot 5k - 6th in my age group).  I had also signed up to do a 4.5 mile Drumstick Dash (didn't run in it b/c we went out of town last minute for Thanksgiving) and a 5 mile Popcorn Dash (didn't run in that one b/c it was raining cats and dogs the entire morning).  I would have ran the 5 mile Popcorn Dash had it been a drizzle or a mist but it was POURING! Fair weather runner over here!  So, this year I would like to keep improving on 5k's but also jump up to the next level......the 10K!!!
  • Compete in a Sprint Triathlon - Okay, I may completely off my rocker but it is definitely something I would like to accomplish.  One of my best friends and I decided one night after a few several adult beverages that we should do a Sprint Triathlon.  Unlucky for me - I am a terrible swimmer.  Can we say doggie paddle?!  But lucky for me - my best friend's husband and his friend were on their college swim team.  Yay for not sinking!  
    • Become more organized - How the heck do two people acquire so much crap?! This is a question that I ask myself constantly.  So this year I hope to start going through all of our closets, cleaning them out and organizing the remaining items.  Oh, and our basement needs some major TLC too......that and a giant dumpster!  So, hopefully this is the year that I take control and get organized. 
    • Knit a scarf - Hubs laughs at me anytime I break out the knitting needles.  Typically his laughs are followed by comments like "Where's your rocking chair?" and "Knitting.....REALLY?!"  But I love crafts! My mom is a crocheter.  She crochets baby blankets all the time.  I, on the other hand, suck at crocheting so I decided that I would try to conquer knitting.  Holy slowness batman.  It takes me FOREVER just to complete a row.  It probably will take me all year to knit one scarf. lol 
      • Go to church more - this was on my list last year and was a complete fail.  SHAME ON ME!!!! 
      • Cook more - I go through spurts.  There are weeks where I will cook almost every single night and then there are weeks where I don't cook a single night.  So, in order to eat healthier I think I need to cook a little more.  I don't think I am going to find the level of healthy eating that I want in a frozen entree or a bag.  I also want to try out new recipes.  I get complacent and stick with what I know.  I need to try new things and not be afraid to fail at them.  
        • Take more pride in my appearance - I cannot tell you how often I just don't care what I look like (okay, not completely true).  There are days where I will just scruff by and not really give a damn.  I want to look cute, not grungy.  I have noticed that I tend to take more pride in my appearance when I am in shape and feeling good about myself.  So I guess taking pride in appearance and working out can some what go hand in hand.  When I feel flubby I match my attitude with sweatshirts and clothing to cover that feeling.  No more! Time to break out the cute clothes, painted nails, hair done and makeup on look! (Thanks Jess for letting me steal this resolution)  :-)
        • Be more aware of spending - It is so easy to walk into Target and spend $100+.  It happens often to me.  I need to curtail this and start only buying what we need.  In order to do this I need to start making better grocery lists and following them.  Along with better grocery lists I need to clip coupons more often but only for items that we need.
           There you have it!  These are my New Year's resolutions.  I am one of those people who tend to break off more than I can chew so I am trying to keep my list a little shorter this year.  Also, all of these "resolutions" that I have come up with shouldn't just be for one year either, they should be life goals.  

          What are some of your resolutions this year?!

          Have a wonderful day!
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          Jessica said…
          I am on the naughty list too when it comes to church, and that makes me sad. I haven't been in so long.
          jessica lynn said…
          yes yes yes. loving the "appearance" resolution! i have beeen sticking to mine. hold me accountable! i feel as though i might start to slack during busy season!!! :)

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