Time for Some Summer Shopping

Happy Monday! Normally I wouldn't be saying this but since I work two days, have Wednesday off, then work another two days it is like having two Thursdays! :-) Oh, and I have a Starbucks Hazelnut Latte sitting right next to me.....that always seems to make Mondays a little better!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Our weekend was pretty busy and had some unexpected surprises along the way (all good, don't worry).  Sunday was a lot quieter so I spent the first few hours of my morning drinking my hot tea and doing a little online shopping and wishing.  I have a slight serious addiction to maxi dresses and found plenty that I think that I need (okay, want would probably be more appropriate)......

All dresses above are from Windsor

Now, if only all of these dresses would just magically appear in my closet, I would be one happy girl! :-)

Now the kicker - The only problem that I seem to have with maxi dresses is finding one long enough.  I am 5'7" and prefer that the maxi dress sweep the ground a touch (in flat sandals, of course).  I know 5'7" is not abnormally tall but when trying on these dresses I sometimes I feel the fashion industry thinks it is.  Anyone else have this problem?  If so, are there certain brands that you have had luck with?

Have a great day!
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Hilary said…
Your "Thursday" mindset would have come in super handy today because I had a major case of the Mondays!! Those are some cute dresses!
Those dress are beautiful and lovely, wondering if they are made entirely of cotton.
Unknown said…
What a lovely dress! I think it is petite maxi dresses. I like this design and dress most. Thanks for sharing your collection. Keep posting!

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