73 Days and Counting

In 73 days this happy girl will be flying down to here......

To board this......

And celebrate.....

I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am for this vacation!!! {happy dance as I think about it}  My parents go on a New Years cruise Every.Single.Year.  When I was in high school and college they would always take me and a friend with them on these cruises {spoiled, I know}.  Once I married Hubs the free vacations and cruises suddenly ended.  Okay, they didn't totally end and I guess I shouldn't dump all the blame on Hubs.....the free vacays and cruises started dwindling when I entered the "real" world {cue evil sounding music}.  Another reason to never grow up! That damn giraffe from Toys R' Us was really on to something! I should have listened to him about these growing up shenanigans.  

Only......there is a slight problem!  As I sit here, stuffing my face with junk food, I realized.......holy 73 short days until I have to squeeze into a swimsuit batman! There is NO WAY I want to attempt to put on a swimsuit in the privacy of my own home, let alone in front of thousands of strangers right now. So, I guess I had better get my butt in shape {literally} and start running or doing something of some sort of physical nature.  So that leads me to ask- what is your favorite way of getting back into shape?  The weather has been rainy and cold so I am afraid that I won't be able to run outdoors as much as I would like.  So I need to find another way to get into decent physical form before it is bon voyage for this girl!  Thanks for the help in advance! :-)

Have a wonderful afternoon! :-)
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Florida is the state where you will be able to find beaches and tropical landscapes. It worth visiting there.

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