The Hunt for Women's Sporting Apparel.......
..........specifically, Manchester United apparel. I bring this up because as we speak I will be sitting at a soccer pub with my United scarf, drinking a pint of beer and cheering on my team! Gotta love scheduled posts. :-)
Back to my team apparel problem.....let me just show you the AWESOME selection women have to choose from on their website {eyes rolling}. I don't mean to sound snotty, stuck-up or mean but what woman wants to wear this....
or this.....
And, I suppose, if I want my boobs to be hanging out all over the place I could wear one of these.....

After seeing theselection slim pickings offered to women I was about to completely give up all faith (as well as send some hate mail to the United Club telling them that their women's clothing is a joke). Of course, I could always browse through the kids clothing section for XL's but their darn clothing is always too short through the torso and never fits right.
Well, Hubs came to the rescue with a BRILLIANT idea.......create my own United apparel. Pure genius!!! For example:
1. Purchase this sweet track jacket from Nike (I can get this in black or white)
3. Call up my mother, the sewing queen guru......beg and plead for her to help.....
And VOILA!!! I will have my very own, stylish Manchester United track jacket. Hubs also suggested that I buy a few patches so that I can create a cute polo. And because Hubs is just full of fabulous ideas he suggested I design some t-shirts and have them made at the Teeki Hut T-Shirt store. Isn't he the smartest?! I am so excited about the idea of making my own track jacket and creating a few t-shirts to wear when I support my team.
**- While somewhat cute, I cannot stand team apparel that is in colors other than the teams colors. Manchester United is red, white, black and gold.....NOT pink and black. Just because I am a woman doesn't mean that I want to look like I threw up a bottle of pepto bismal all over my shirt.
Happy Saturday and GOOOOO UNITED!!!! :-)
Back to my team apparel problem.....let me just show you the AWESOME selection women have to choose from on their website {eyes rolling}. I don't mean to sound snotty, stuck-up or mean but what woman wants to wear this....
or this.....
or especially these.....And, I suppose, if I want my boobs to be hanging out all over the place I could wear one of these.....

All pictures compliments of Manchester United Megastore.
After seeing the
Well, Hubs came to the rescue with a BRILLIANT idea.......create my own United apparel. Pure genius!!! For example:
1. Purchase this sweet track jacket from Nike (I can get this in black or white)
2. Hop on over to Ebay and pick out a few of these:
3. Call up my mother, the sewing queen guru......beg and plead for her to help.....
And VOILA!!! I will have my very own, stylish Manchester United track jacket. Hubs also suggested that I buy a few patches so that I can create a cute polo. And because Hubs is just full of fabulous ideas he suggested I design some t-shirts and have them made at the Teeki Hut T-Shirt store. Isn't he the smartest?! I am so excited about the idea of making my own track jacket and creating a few t-shirts to wear when I support my team.
**- While somewhat cute, I cannot stand team apparel that is in colors other than the teams colors. Manchester United is red, white, black and gold.....NOT pink and black. Just because I am a woman doesn't mean that I want to look like I threw up a bottle of pepto bismal all over my shirt.
Happy Saturday and GOOOOO UNITED!!!! :-)
