Fall is Fabulous!


Ever since I entered the adult world (aka....a 9-5 jibber jobber) the fall is my favorite season!  Summer used to be my favorite back when I had no job and could lounge by a pool with a girlie cocktail in hand all day.  Sadly, those days are long gone!  So, now my favorite season is fall. 

Of course there are some major reasons as to why it is my favorite season:

The Decor

Pumpkin Spiced Lattes from Starbucks


Boots, Boots, and more Boots

 Warm Apple Cider

Fun Scarves

Bonfires - Sitting around them and the smell (I swear I am not a pyro)

S'mores around the bonfire

The leaves turning beautiful colors

Homemade Pumpkin Bread


Candles - especially my two favoritist scents
Leaves from Bath and Body Works and Autumn Wreath from Yankee Candle

I also love the fall because the air smells so crisp and clean and the temperatures are a lot more comfortable.  All in all, I cannot wait for fall to get here! 

Of course, I cannot wait to drag all of my fall decor out to start decorating the house in all the warm colors that fall brings.  Unfortunately Hubs and I do not see eye to eye on the timing of when the fall decor should come out.  I like to start decorating right after labor day weekend whereas Hubs thinks I should wait until October.  Are you kidding me?!? October is WAY too late to start getting fall decor out!!!!! That would mean that I would have less than two months of my favorite season's decor before Christmas decor gets dragged out......not enough time! Luckily, he works later than me so he might just come home one day to a fabulous fall fairyland (sorry, had to keep the "f" theme going).  Sorry Hubs, don't mess with my giddiness for fall! ;-)

Have a WONDERFUL holiday weekend!!! Be safe!
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Jessica said…
I love the pumpkin scent from Yankee Candle. It smells like love. But, I think I love fall cuz I'm a Halloween baby. ;)
Corinne said…
I love everything Fall as well! I cannot wait to bust out the decorations! And I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte yesterday...ahhh love.
THE Stephanie said…
OMG!! I just realized it almost time for me to make some chocolate chip pumpkin bread. I may have to leave work early. :)
jessica lynn said…
omg all of my fall decor is coming out monday evening. i already pulled it all out, its awaiting monday night when we get home! :)
Hilary said…
I have to agree with your hubs. I can't decorate for fall until it drops below 70 outside & that doesn happen until mid October!
Sami Mastrario said…
I love absolutely EVERYTHING in your post. Football, Boots, Halloween, Leaves, etc. This is my favorite season!

My Dream Ring said…
I've been looking forward to fall since the summer started, lol! So glad its right around the corner.

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